Housing Development

Councilors Debate Monaghan Road Heritage Property, Development Charges, at December 2nd Council Meetings
Council re-litigated their September 23rd decision to approve heritage designation for the property at 1400 Monaghan road at a Monday night General Committee meeting after hearing delegations from property developers about proposed changes to development charges.
Council Approves Armour Road Apartment Building After Five Years of Delays, Protests, and Appeals
A notice of motion brought forward by Mayor Jeff Leal which would see City staff be directed to initiate an amendment to the City’s Official Plan which would allow for the development of a seven-storey apartment building by Parkview Homes on the corner of Cunningham and Armour Road in Peterborough was ratified during a meeting of Council on June 10th.
Canada Day Parade To Proceed for 2024 Pending Council Ratification
Peterborough City Councillors have rejected City Staff’s suggestion of scrapping the City’s Canada Day Parade in favour of re-investing the $20,000 cost into other festivities on the holiday. Councillors also gave preliminary approval to designating the J.J. Turner building on King Street as a heritage site and two housing developments in the City's West End.
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Housing Development