Head of the Trent Regatta and Homecoming

Letter to the Editors: Trent Needs to Do Better This Homecoming Weekend
Letter to the Editor regarding last year's unfortunate and destructive events during Homecoming and Head of the Trent.
Trent University and the Thin Beer Line
Jumping back into the Bowlcut well Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay reviews another Trent Board meeting with a special focus on the actions of (high school) students (totally not related to Trent) during Hoco weekend.
What’s the Deal With Trent’s Party Life?
Following (another) Trent student party making local headlines Evan Robins wonders whether they might be gaining a reputation as a party school. In this Op-Ed she examines the history of parties during the last two years of the pandemic and explores how this will affect the student body and Trent as an institution.
Radio Free Arthur
This week Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay returns from his sick bed to join fellow Arthur editors, Abbigale Kernya, and Evan Robins to discuss the debauch of last week's Head of the Trent Homecoming weekend here in Peterborough/Nogojiwanong.
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