
ReFrame Review: Mary Two-Axe Earley + Without a Whisper
These two films serve as poignant reminders that Indigenous women have long been excluded from the feminist movement, and emancipatory victories enjoyed by white women. From gender-discrimination in the Indian Act to the white-washed story of feminism in the U.S., these films place Indigenous women in the lineage of struggle for gender justice.
Memory, Decay and Nostalgia in Home Movies: A Screening by Canadian Images in Conversation
In this article ReFrame intern Katy Catchpole reviews their screening 'Mining (And Manipulating) The Home Movie,' curated by Trent alum, Madison More. The screening examines how home movies and their nostalgia distort memory and shape family narratives.
Slander in Cinema
In this article, Aimee Anctil explores the oft-overlooked racist and homophobic tropes in 'Mean Girls' (2004) and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010). Anctil reminds us that "we can appreciate art, we must also criticize it for what it is. No art is without flaw, and no film is without its biases."
Radio Free Arthur
For the first official episode marking the new year, your editors bring you topical news like the recent intent to resign from Trudeau, an update from Peterborough's municipal housing plan, and why Nosferatu (2024) should have been hornier.
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