Why We Knit
There has been a fibre arts explosion since the pandemic, ranging from crocheting, knitting, embroidery, felting, and sewing. When there was nothing to do but create, people (especially young people) found that learning a new practical medium allowed for a chance to experiment with their creativity. To this day, the remnants of Covid-19’s hold on fibre art crafts is demonstrated throughout the Trent University population.
Letter to the Editor: Emergencies Act prompted by threats - death and government takeover
Trent alum, Fred Rapson, pens letter-to-the-editor. As the so-called 'freedom convoy' and ensuing Ottawa protests come to a close, Canadians are left to dissect what happened in Ottawa, and find a way forward in a polarized, post-lockdown world.
Back to Normal? Trent says “Yes,” Whether You Like it or Not
On January 24th Trent announced that they would go ahead with the return to in-person classes. Following the reaction to that announcement, Evan Robins summarizes the blowback and the ongoing effects of the pandemic in Ptbo/Nogo, painting a picture of student frustration and the difficulties of going back to whatever “normal” is.
Black Girls Chatter
In this episode Shaela and Alicia dive into the history of carding in Canada, and how Doug Fords latest announcement on April 16th affects the BIPOC community.
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