
Bowlcut: Top 10 Canadian Pride Parade Floats
Should you have had the pleasure or opportunity this summer of attending any pride parade marginally larger than that of our own beloved Peterborough, you’ll know that Toronto Pride, Fierté Montréal, and other such spectacles often attract the benevolence of any number of high-profile private and public sector sponsors.‍ However, no one has yet, to my knowledge, seen fit to ask: what is objectively the best corporate, government, or otherwise in-poor-taste pride float?
Editorial: Pride Month is Not Your Merchandising Opportunity
Coordinating Editor Evan Robins discusses the Trent Central Student Association's recent decision to manufacture pride-themed bucket hats.
The Good, the Bad, and The Game Awards
Evan Robins breaks down the most salient points from this year's Game Awards only to find that she had been subjected to over three hours of advertisements, off-putting cameos, and children with an uncannily named Rabbi.
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