Arthur is making our Twitch livestream debut on April 1st, 2021, at 8:00pm with our First Annual Fundraiser and Telethon! Over the upcoming days, we are aiming to hit our 2021 fundraising goal of $10,000.
Your money goes to: •Good paying jobs for content creators •Year-round operation •New tech for content production •The freedom to remain independent
Council re-litigated their September 23rd decision to approve heritage designation for the property at 1400 Monaghan road at a Monday night General Committee meeting after hearing delegations from property developers about proposed changes to development charges.
Councillors returned from a month-long break on the evening of August 6th to convene for General Committee. On the agenda was the 2025 Draft Budget Impact Survey—a guideline brought forward by staff detailing different estimates of the upcoming budget impacts. This survey comes after the June 11th and 27th meetings, where staff presented budget information from each department, which council voted to revisit in August.
On June 21st, Peterborough City Councillor Alex Bierk published a joint statement, drafted alongside fellow Councillors Joy Lachica and Keith Riel to his personal social media platforms concerning the contentious redevelopment of Bonnerworth Park.
Arthur is back in action for March and after a brual month full of all kinds of horrible slights and baseless attacks from the far reaches of campus we get to keep our funding for at least another year! This issue features everything from the profane to the profound and everything in between. In short, everything people have come to love (or despise) about Arthur is here within these pages. We talk about the most moving moments of the 47th annual Elders and Traditional People's Gathering to the academic ramifications for discovering you are indeed a cat. You'll also find the latest on what City Council has been up to and a review of some pertinent films.
Arthur is back in action for March and after a brual month full of all kinds of horrible slights and baseless attacks from the far reaches of campus we get to keep our funding for at least another year! This issue features everything from the profane to the profound and everything in between. In short, everything people have come to love (or despise) about Arthur is here within these pages. We talk about the most moving moments of the 47th annual Elders and Traditional People's Gathering to the academic ramifications for discovering you are indeed a cat. You'll also find the latest on what City Council has been up to and a review of some pertinent films.
After a week away, the editors return with the story of the century: Pickleball is back in the hearts and minds of Peterborans, and it's heating things up at City Hall!