Arthur Newspaper: Volume 55

New Year New Queer: Review of the Trent Queer Collective’s Annual General Meeting
Aras Mommertz reviews the Trent Queer Collective (TQC)'s Annual General Meeting, where the organization re-caps what they have been up to over the past year. Learn more about how the TQC are bringing the Queer community together and uplifting Queer voices, through their radio show 'Queer Talks', their QTBIPOC fund, their rebrand, and their upcoming plans for a Queer Skateboarding group come Spring!
Kawartha Nishnawbe Demand Consultation for Parks Canada Development
Irene Suvillaga follows the Kawartha Nishnawbe barricade of a dam reconstruction project by Parks Canada on January 13, 2021. The project has been deemed illegal, moving forwards without consultation to the Nishnawbe Community prior to the construction process and has resulted in the erection of barricades that block the entry to the construction site. This article follows both the Nishnawbe and Parks Canada , featuring statements by David Britton, Director of the Ontario Waterways; Christopher Reid, appointed lawyer for Kawartha Nishnawbe; and Nodin Webb leader and spokesperson of the Kawartha Nishnawbe Community.
RPM Challenge: A Songwriter’s Primer
With the RPM Challenge officially underway, Spencer Wells offers insightful tips and techniques on how to get started on the songwriting process. The challenge is seeking musical submissions from anyone and everyone interested, regardless of prior musical experience. This article is part of a month-long document highlighting the event, with each article reflecting Spencer's progress as he participates in the challenge himself.
What's the Point?
Episode 4 of Arthur's podcast. The covid second wave, Green Party nomination drama and more.
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