Arthur Newspaper: Volume 59

Bowlcut: Trent Literally Stonewalls Champlain Name Change
Guest contributor Steve French bowls over coverage of a new cornerstone which was unveiled by Trent University administrators on November 15th.
Arthur Annual General Meeting: November 20th @ 5:00 PM at Sadleir House
Arthur's AGM is just around the corner and we want YOU to be there! Grab your friends, lovers, loved ones, and nemeses and drag them all down to Sadleir House for 5:00 PM on Wednesday, November 20th, for a rolicking night of policy and vegetarian catering. See you there!
Editorial: Start Making Men Uncomfortable
I want more men to be made aware of the velocity of privilege they hold in our society. I want them to feel a sliver of what it feels like to constantly be hyper-aware of your surroundings, and then put on their feminist cardigan and see if it’s all really so aesthetic now. 
Radio Free Arthur
Produced by
Abbigale Kernya
Evan Robins
This episode, the editors welcome the event that signals crying students, raging seasonal depression, and a flood of Instagram stories: Spotify Wrapped.
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