Arthur Newspaper: Volume 58

2024 Peterborough City Budget Passed with 7% Tax Rate Increase
Peterborough City Council passed the 2024 budget during a Council meeting on December 11th and with it a 7% increase to the property tax rate – down from the 9.59% in the original draft budget presented by Staff at the beginning of November.
Study Hack for Gamers
After spending many days and nights trying to get one of her 5 million essays due done, Abbigail has figured out the perfect way to trick her mind into staying focused... make it think it's gaming!
Now and Then I Get the Rolling Stone Blues
In this guest post community contributor Ted Lindsay takes readers down a winding trail of musical history, connecting the dots along the way that led to The Beatles' last song "Now and Then."
Radio Free Arthur
What a week, eh weary writers? Despite the previous night's inordinate snow fall, the Arthur editors have endeavoured to drag themselves to Trent Radio House, as there's plenty of news which begs to be talked about.
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