Arthur Newspaper: Volume 58

ReFrame Review: How to Power a City
Arthur co-editor Evan Robins appraises a close study of renewable energy projects across the United States in her review of the environmental and clean energy documentary How to Power a City
ReFrame Review: Homecoming
Amelia Takacs reviews Homecoming, a Finnish documentary that explores the emotional undertaking of redefining and identifying aspects of antiquity through the storytelling practice of film as part of the 2024 ReFrame Film Festival.
ReFrame Review: Kirby's House
Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay reviews Kirby's House, a short documentary directed by Rob Viscardis as part of the 2024 ReFrame Film Festival.
Radio Free Arthur
Produced by
Abbigale Kernya
Evan Robins
With Sebastian off on a busman’s holiday to Québec, Co-editors, Abbigale Kernya and Evan Robins come to you live from a cabin in the woods where they give you a rundown on new articles from Arthur journalists and discuss an odd looking book found in said cabin. 
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