Arthur is making our Twitch livestream debut on April 1st, 2021, at 8:00pm with our First Annual Fundraiser and Telethon! Over the upcoming days, we are aiming to hit our 2021 fundraising goal of $10,000.
Your money goes to: •Good paying jobs for content creators •Year-round operation •New tech for content production •The freedom to remain independent
Anne Shirley Theatre Company is Trent’s student theatre company and a levy group. It is student run, from executives and artistic directors behind the scenes, to the actors you see on stage. They stage two shows throughout the year, a fall play and a spring musical, as well as a number of other events throughout the year. This year their fall play is a staging of Laura Wade’s Alice—a dark and comedic retelling of Lewis Carrol’s classic children’s story Alice in Wonderland.
A few weeks back, the TCSA was handing out free breakfast sandwiches and bagels from McDonalds, an action students were repulsed by given many people are actively boycotting is McDonalds due to its support of the Israeli occupation of Gaza.
The Kawartha World Issues Centre (KWIC) has been working consistently over the past eight years to create programming that aligns with the goals made in 2015 starting with our SDG forums and reports where we 120 participants identified five local key priority action areas for Nogojiwanong/Peterborough. As 2030 approaches we are committed to continuing education on the SDGs through our in-school workshops to almost 2000 students, our gender equality projects, and our new program entitled Returning to Mother Earth.
After Arthur's Summer Staycation, we're back and better than ever. With co-editors Abbigale and Evan steering this beloved ship, goddess only knows what they'll get up to! As Volume 59's debut to the wonderful world of campus media, we've packed it full of hot takes, breaking news, a tour around Trent's Symons rather inaccessible campus, and fun and games for all, we have something for everyone in here. But don't take our word for it, see for yourself! Plus, the editors make a new grand introduction to the newly formed duo, and a beginner's guide to all things Arthur and Trent.
Alfred is back and worse than ever. Arthur's problematic sibling is reared up from the abyss after a year in isolation. The editors are not liable for any psychic damage you may incur. Read at your own risk; Reader discretion is advised.
Issue 2 takes on the dichotomy that is Head of The Trent with two long-form articles discussing the impacts on the community from the perspective of Indigenous students and staff and a rollicking piece about the forgotten raison d'être for the whole event which fell on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Evan Robins debuts the first two parts of a series on Peter Robinson College 20 years after its sale. All this alongside community, City Hall, and campus news from the TCSA.
All three Arthur Editors are (allegedly) back in the studio and ready to face the Ides of March. With Evan and Sebastian both recovering from an (alleged) curse, the Editors bring a portent of prophetic significance: DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!