Arthur Newspaper: Volume 58

Council Ratifies Decision to Declare Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic, Approves Inspection By-Law
Peterborough City Councillors re-affirmed their support at the November 27th Council Meeting for two initiatives previously given approval at General Committee after hearing delegations from community members.
Trent Gets City's Go-Ahead for Energy Storage System Application
In what was to be a rather short and uneventful Council meeting in terms of discussion, Councillors were tasked with ratifying a number of significant items including granting their support for a battery energy storage project on Trent University’s lands known as the North-End Peterborough Storage System, which will be built by Atura Power on property leased to them by Trent.
What Do You Wish To Do With Your Art? An interview with the minds behind Trent University Alternative Arts Collective
The Trent University Alternative Arts Collective (TUAAC) is a newly recognized student group founded by Ziggy Allin, with the help of their band The Pajama Bottoms, and Ainsley Berry, their secretary. TUAAC is a place for creative people to connect with each other and create non-mainstream events no matter their preferred medium.
Radio Free Arthur
What a week, eh weary writers? Despite the previous night's inordinate snow fall, the Arthur editors have endeavoured to drag themselves to Trent Radio House, as there's plenty of news which begs to be talked about.
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