Arthur Newspaper: Volume 58

Traill College Hosts Ashley Fellow, Bridget Larocque for Decolonization Lecture Series
On the evening of February 8th, members of the Trent University community packed into Bagnani Hall at Catherine Parr Traill College to hear a lecture from the 2023/2024 Ashley Fellow, Bridget Larocque. The talk, titled “A Northern Perspective on Decolonization and Indigenization—Retelling Narratives” is a part of the university’s North at Trent lecture series, a program of public talks organized by Trent’s Canadian Studies program featuring and focusing on Northern Canada.
“Hearts and Flowers Poetry Reading” With Peterborough Poet PJ Thomas
On the evening of February 8th, 2024, Arthur's Magali Nichol attended the “Hearts and Flowers Poetry Reading” by Peterborough poet, and former Arthur editor PJ Thomas.
TCSA Unveils Changes to Referendum Policy for Approval at Feb 14th SAGM
On Friday, February 9th, the Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) held a “virtual social”—titled “Beat the Hypocrisy, Let’s Talk Policy”—for students to ask questions about proposed changes to the Association’s Policies & Procedures and By-Laws, which will be put to the membership for approval at their upcoming February 14th Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM).
Radio Free Arthur
Arthur's editorial team are back and bedraggled, having spent the weekend packin' the shack and the better part of the week paying far too close attention to Peterborough City Hall. However, the news waits for no mere man, and so long as the busses keep runnin' and the river don't rise, our editors will be here to heed their divinely-orda
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