Arthur Newspaper: Volume 57

These. People. Existed.
I love being Black. I love the depth of my melanin; the versatility of my hair; the broadness of my nose, and the richness of my culture. Most importantly, I love that all my academic, professional, and personal achievements add to the oeuvre of Black history, coupling my recent Black experiences with those of my ancestors and Black icons of the past.
A short story by Marianne Nahayo submitted for Black History Month.
Dear Jackie: Learning About Black History in Canada
It is impossible to move on from the past without admitting and addressing what had happened. The future is bleak if the mistakes of the past are not recognized, addressed, and compensated for. Canada’s multiculturalism policy is set to fail because the country has failed to address the way it has marginalized several groups. Canadians compare themselves to the United States and convince themselves that they are better because they are not as bad. A long history of slavery, racist immigration policy, segregation and violence against Black people in Canada is continually disregarded because it is not taught nor talked about.
Peterborough Politics Podcast
This week we talked about Dave Smith being rude (sexist?) to Joy Lachica over a misunderstanding about how the Conservative Ontario government backed off a plan to defund the Ontario Arts Council by 15%. Thin skin much?
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