Arthur is making our Twitch livestream debut on April 1st, 2021, at 8:00pm with our First Annual Fundraiser and Telethon! Over the upcoming days, we are aiming to hit our 2021 fundraising goal of $10,000.
Your money goes to: •Good paying jobs for content creators •Year-round operation •New tech for content production •The freedom to remain independent
The romanticized abuse by male characters in modern-day literature is, to say the least, icky (Colleen Hoover, I am looking directly at you). Without coming across as another pretentious English major who doesn’t know how to stop acting like they’re better than everyone else, I do wholeheartedly believe that we as a collective society need to start thinking more critically about what we consume and more importantly, how we promote it.
A contingent of approximately 20 graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty from Trent University took to the streets on May 1st as part of a nationwide walkout planned by the grassroots organization Support Our Science.
Rumours of Alfred's death have been greatly exaggerated, as the current insert bears witness to. This horrible little paper, bred in the deepest pits of contempt for ingrained authority, bootlickers, and patsies of all description is the satirical (and deeply stupid) younger brother of Arthur. Be warned: This paper has no redeeming qualities.
With Issue Seven, Arthur's 57th Volume goes out with a proverbial bang. Having survived a malicious libel and defunding campaign wrought by Trent's best and brightest, Arthur is assured another year (at least) of funding. Beyond the top-notch reporting you've come to love and expect, the paper and its contributors come back swinging with "Alfred" - an insert which is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18 or who get offended by things they read.
Rumours of Alfred's death have been greatly exaggerated, as the current insert bears witness to. This horrible little paper, bred in the deepest pits of contempt for ingrained authority, bootlickers, and patsies of all description is the satirical (and deeply stupid) younger brother of Arthur. Be warned: This paper has no redeeming qualities.
This episode features City Councilor Alex Bierk and his friend Chad. We also had the chance to recount a couple of Peterborough headlines that caught our eye. The Parkway is finally dead (or is it?), Federal Workers are on strike, and Dave Smith has joined Michelle Ferreri on Russia's Foreign Ministry's list of banned Canadians.