Arthur Newspaper: Volume 57

Alex Bierk Did Nothing Wrong
Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay reflects upon the lessons of activism and empathy we can learn when an elected official like Alex Bierk takes action and goes against the grain of "acceptable" forms of mutual aid.
A Guide To Read The Holy Bible For Non-Christian Beginners
I started reading the Bible around Christmas as a way to kill time. So far, I have finished Genesis and I am at the beginning of Exodus. I grew up non-religious. Therefore, I have met many atheists and non-religious people having prejudices against God and the Bible. Personally, I found stories in the Bible captivating. Even though I did not want to convert to Christianity, I read the Bible to educate myself on other people’s beliefs and religion.
Sustainable and Local Chocolate Review
Ev Richardson and Aaron King provide their hot takes on some fine ethically sourced chocolates available locally.
Peterborough Politics Podcast
We're back at it again like clockwork for Episode 2 of the Peterborough Politics Podcast. This week we delved into the latest city council meeting, specifically the deferral to add stronger language surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to the community safety and well-being plan and exciting Waste Management changes.
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