Arthur Newspaper: Volume 57

No Immediate Action on the Homelessness Crisis as City Council Meets for the First Time
Peterborough's new City Council met for the first time on Monday December 5th. Over the course of three hours, multiple motions for immediate action to be taken on the homelessness crisis were struck down before the promise of a report from City Staff was approved with only Councillor Lesley Parnell voting against.
Top 10 Christmas Songs Ranked By Someone With Zero Authority To Judge Them
Arthur Journalist Madison Marvin has some hot takes on songs about this chilly time of year.
Managing Your Mental Health this Winter Season
This article promotes mental health management during the winter season. It provides tips for coping with seasonal depression and promotes self care. As well, it encourages individuals struggling with their mental health to reach out to counselling services.
Peterborough Politics Podcast
In this episode, we focused on Ontario's decisions surrounding Peterborough's proposed Official Plan. We also talked about Council voting against naloxone training, Provincial $2.5M funding for affordable housing, approved changes to Peterborough's "ABOMINATION" intersection, and more!
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