Arthur Newspaper: Volume 57

Editorial: The Walkable City and Pedestrian Dignity
Arthur Editor-In-Cheif, Bethan Bates, reflects upon the difficulties of getting around Peterborough if you live outside the city centre, depend upon public transit, or walk as a primary means of transportation and explores some solutions to remedy decades of car-centric urban planning.
Amphitheatre Construction Contract Increased by $390.5K, Administration and Governors Continue Push For Higher International Tuition
During the December 9th meeting of the Trent Board of Governors, additional funding for the Jalynn Bennett Amphitheatre was approved amid discussions of increasing international student tuition and the current economic situation Trent finds itself in.
Peterborough Politics Podcast
This episode features City Councilor Alex Bierk and his friend Chad. We also had the chance to recount a couple of Peterborough headlines that caught our eye. The Parkway is finally dead (or is it?), Federal Workers are on strike, and Dave Smith has joined Michelle Ferreri on Russia's Foreign Ministry's list of banned Canadians.
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