Arthur Newspaper: Volume 57

The Fence of Protection: Protestors Outnumbered for the Third Time by Supporters of Drag Story Time Event
Arthur holds ground and bears witness to a February 25th anti-drag protest and its resilient counter.
A Few Notes on Netrunning
Having represented Arthur at CUP's NASH 85 Student Journalism Conference, Evan Robins leaves with more questions than answers, and ponders the nature of writing as craft in today's day and age.
Council Gives Unanimous Support for Provincial Anti-Harassment Legislation Aimed at Municipal Leaders
At a General Committee meeting on March 6th, Peterborough Councillors gave their unanimous support to a motion brought forth by Town Ward Councillor, Alex Bierk, to write a letter of support for a provincial private members bill known as Bill 5, Stopping Harassment and Abuse by Local Leaders Act. 
Peterborough Politics Podcast
We're back at it again like clockwork for Episode 2 of the Peterborough Politics Podcast. This week we delved into the latest city council meeting, specifically the deferral to add stronger language surrounding Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) to the community safety and well-being plan and exciting Waste Management changes.
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