Arthur Newspaper: Volume 56

Students Need to Support Faculty
In this op-ed, Kayla Weiler of the Canadian Federation of Students argues that students must support faculty in their fight for just working conditions. Given the rise in faculty labour actions across Canada over the past year, now is the time for students to step up and fight for the rights of their teachers.
How History Rhymes
Karol Orzechowski weaves Canada's present state of calamity into a similar, and equally as absurd time about twenty years ago when 9/11 became the impetus for many shades of political maneuvering, state sanctioned evil, and ideological mayhem.
TLNAP Update: No plans to build over TVG, says Julie Davis
Varun Biddanda highlights what's next for the Trent Lands and Nature Areas Plan. Though there has been a years-long plan to bulldoze the Trent Vegetable Gardens in favour of a road to the new Cleantech Commons development, Varun reports that there are apparently "no plans" to build that road.
Growing Pains
After a hiatus, Growing Pains has returned to bring you two episodes all about student activism at Trent. In Part 1 & 2 we map out Trent’s radical, activist roots and take stock of the changes that have taken place over the past 20 years.
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