Arthur Newspaper: Volume 56

Ice Cream, You Scream, We All Scream for a Better Student Union
In this editorial Nick Taylor throughly delineates structural issues that have long-plagued the TCSA, and created conditions wherein the union struggles to meet quorum in its own elections, attracts self-interested-careerist-candidates, and operates in the service of capital -- rather than in the service of the students it claims to represent.
The Anti-Racism Task Force: Performing or Performative?
Varun Biddanda takes a deep dive into the task force, and asks: is it performing, or is it performative? Biddanda interviews Moriah Hillyer, who represented the Trent University Native Association (TUNA) on the Anti-Racism Task Force.
Trans Day of Not Having a Place to Piss
Just in time for Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV), Evan Robins explores the issue of (formerly) gender-neutral Champlain College bathrooms which have caused some contention with admin, and considers its broader implications for Trans inclusivity at Trent
Growing Pains
After a hiatus, Growing Pains has returned to bring you two episodes all about student activism at Trent. In Part 1 & 2 we map out Trent’s radical, activist roots and take stock of the changes that have taken place over the past 20 years.
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