Arthur Newspaper: Volume 56

ReFrame Review: North by Current
Katy Catchpole reviews 'North by Current', a film by Angelo 'Madsen' Minax about "the understated relationships between mothers and children, truths and myths, losses and gains."
ReFrame: An Antidote to Nihilism
In this essay, Nick Taylor reviews four films from this year's ReFrame line-up: Kímmapiiyipitssini: The Meaning of Empathy, Writing With Fire, The Cost of Freedom, and The Viewing Booth. Weaving these disparate narratives together, Taylor meditates on the art of story-telling, ultimately identifying it as an antidote to nihilism.
The Erasure of Canada's Racism in Public School Curricula
In this essay, Alicia McLeod argues that Canada's racist past is underreported or left out entirely of grade-school curriculum, leaving Black youth underprepared for the reality of racism in Canada.
Growing Pains
After a hiatus, Growing Pains has returned to bring you two episodes all about student activism at Trent. In Part 1 & 2 we map out Trent’s radical, activist roots and take stock of the changes that have taken place over the past 20 years.
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