U.S. Isolation and the Coalition of the Willing
J.A. Forrester
March 1, 2025
"America First" is the present refrain of the dogmatic American right wing, but from where exactly did this mantra arise? James Forrester details a history of U.S. exceptionalism which has seen the country further its own agenda while making the rest of the world pay.
Innocence Abroad ...The Americans are coming, the Americans are coming!
J.A. Forrester
February 13, 2025
A simple question: Is the United States a global empire in the colonial tradition?
Why Now is the Time to Talk About Tuition
Why Now is the Time to Talk About Tuition
Maggie Piper
April 13, 2021
In this op-ed, Maggie Piper explains how COVID-19 has exacerbated the unaffordability crisis in post-secondary education in the province of Ontario, and how legislators and administrators alike have failed to respond to students needs. Piper asks, "Is our educational funding model prepared for the next crisis?"
The Environment is Under Attack
The Environment is Under Attack
Robert Gibson
March 24, 2021
Robert Gibson outlines the challenges faced by the public in recognizing issues of environmental concern in Ontario. Minister’s Zoning Orders (MZOs) in particular, he says, threaten the public’s ability to challenge new developments put forward by the province and municipalities. Additionally, Bill 245, he calls “a clear bombardment of environmental rights” as it weakens citizens’ right to appeal environmental decisions.
Laurentian's Tensions
Laurentian's Tensions
Katie Pedlar
March 17, 2021
Katie Pedlar dives into the dire financial situation at Laurentian University and questions if these circumstances could arise at Trent University. This article touches on administrative redundancies, international tuition and post secondary funding.
4 Years Left: The World Climate Clock and the Recognition of Indigenous Land Sovereignty
4 Years Left: The World Climate Clock and the Recognition of Indigenous Land Sovereignty
Ciara Richardson
February 10, 2025
Ciara Richardson examines the World Climate Clock initiative and its efforts to raise awareness about anthropogenic climate change before it's too late, specifically the project's investment in Indigenous Land Sovereignty as a means to combating the climate crisis.
You Are Not "Just A Girl." Stop Saying That
You Are Not "Just A Girl." Stop Saying That
Louanne Morin
January 23, 2025
Are you coquette? Do you know girl math? Do you subscribe to the philosophy of care ethics? From social media to academia, Louanne Morin details the ongoing antifeminist retrenchment.
There Goes Bonnerworth—My Pickleball Nightmare
There Goes Bonnerworth—My Pickleball Nightmare
James Cullingham
January 7, 2025
Contributor and historian James Cullingham ruminates on the ongoing development of Bonnerworth Park and the ways in which Peterborough's prioritizing of pickleball parallels matters of provincial policy.
Life and Death on Faryon Bridge
Life and Death on Faryon Bridge
Louanne Morin
December 4, 2024
How do we pass by the names of murdered children inscribed on Faryon bridge every day with such ease? Louanne Morin grapples with what it means not to grieve the dead that surround us.
The Problem with White Feminism
The Problem with White Feminism
Lindsay Blake
November 26, 2024
Community contributor Lindsay Blake examines the ways in which the feminist movement has historically privileged the positions of White women, and marginalized women of colour in this Lilith 2024 contribution.
The Micro-Aesthetic Epidemic
The Micro-Aesthetic Epidemic
Georgia Dunning
November 26, 2024
Are you a clean girl? What about a green juice girl? Or maybe a messy girl? A downtown girl? Georgia Dunning explores the proliferation of micro-aesthetics targeting young women in her Lilith 2024 essay.
Severn Court (October-August)
Arthur News School of Fish
4chan With a Bloomberg Terminal
4chan With a Bloomberg Terminal
Alex Purdye
February 1, 2021
In a much needed act of public service, Alex Purdye takes readers through the events unfolding in the international casino that many call the stock market. Have you been confused about recent news citing a “reddit-fuelled take-over” of the market? Don’t have any idea what a “short” is, not to mention a “short squeeze”? Want to know more about GME, ‘hedgies’, and all the wall street bad boys out there losing money? Though the story isn’t as hopeful, nor as simple as he’d like, Purdye can be your guide.
More Poison From the Plant
More Poison From the Plant
Zach Ruiter
January 14, 2021
In the final days of 2020, BWXT received an extended licence to intensify current operations through pelleting. Zach Ruiter contextualizes this new development in a longstanding struggle between community members and this corporation.