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Arthur News School of Fish
Keynote presenter Aimée Ippersiel at the Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon in the LEC Pit, March 8, 2018. Photo by Emily Beaudin.

A Look Back on the Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon

Written by
Emily Beaudin
April 2, 2018
A Look Back on the Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon
Keynote presenter Aimée Ippersiel at the Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon in the LEC Pit, March 8, 2018. Photo by Emily Beaudin.

On International Women’s Day, March 8, 2018, Lady Eaton College had the pleasure of hosting the Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon. This annual event commemorates the college’s founding Principal, Marjory Peters Seeley Rogers, whose leadership and dedication made the Lady Eaton thrive. Thus, this event was created to acknowledge and celebrate female leadership within Lady Eaton College and the Trent community.

This year’s luncheon featured keynote speaker Aimée Ippersiel, a Trent alumna from the class of 1994. Now the Director of Development and Communications at The Walrus, Ippersiel gave a presentation titled: "Achieving Without Goals: How you can end up with more than you bargained for when your destination isn’t carved in stone," in which she discussed the importance of developing a sense of what work environment you prefer, how to build on the experiences you have, and risk taking. Ann-Majella Mckelvie, the Prime Minister of LEC Cabinet, elaborates on her experience, stating: “The keynote speaker was so inspiring to listen to and taught me that my passions and commitment for leadership can take me anywhere I want to go, even if I may not know what that looks like yet.”

William Logan, another LEC student in attendance, states: “It was a phenomenal experience to attend the Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon. As a member of one of the original female colleges, it’s always nice to take the time to recognize and empower the outstanding leadership of women in our community. I’ve been privileged to attend the luncheon two years in a row and both times walked out feeling inspired and proud to be a part of LEC!”

Thank you to all the students and staff in attendance for another successful year!

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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