Bringing with her an endearingly abrasive demeanor, an alacritous wit, and a tinge of entirely undeserved pretentiousness, Willow Latella joins the journalistic team for Volume 59 of Arthur. A second year philosophy student at Trent, she has a firm dedication to cultural critique, a tireless drive to investigate injustice, and an affinity for exploring the historical context and modern contradictions of political reality.

When asked for comment on her character, Willow’s friends did not respond because they do not like her and “have better things to do”. One seemed to be under the impression that she had died 30 years ago. Her mother, however, went on the record to state that she is “perfect in every way”. Any adoring fans or aggrieved detractors can find Willow nomadically wandering between the various smoke shacks on Trent campus, sitting by the river in an attempt to look like a brooding Murakami character, or investigating the possibility that every murder basement on George Street is part of an interconnected network of tunnels.

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Maybe There's a Reason This Wasn't Published
Willow Latella questions her own biases about Good Art™ while considering how to nurture a literary environment that speaks for everyone.
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Willow Latella
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Willow Latella
2020-11-25 | Bad Apples
Stereotypical frat member
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November 25, 2020
2020-11-18 | Landscape Mode
Nintendo character who hatches from an egg
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November 18, 2020