Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay


Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay served as Coordinating Editor of Arthur's Volume 57 and as Editor-in-Chief of Volume 58 where he was part of an editorial team that won the 2024 John H. McDonald Award for Best Online Media Presence.

During his time at Arthur, Sebastian mainly covered City Hall and Trent University's Board of Governors. He also wrote features on local music, arts, and culture. Sebastian's 2023 feature article on the Peterborough Museum and Archives exhibit "To Honour and Respect" earned him recognition as a finalist for the 2023 Student Award of Excellence from the Canadian Association of Journalists.

As a freelance writer, Sebastian's reporting has appeared in KawarthaNOW where he has covered local arts and provincial politics and he is a semi-regular contributor to the music website DOMINIONATED. In another lifetime, Sebastian was also a contributor to 102.1 TheEdge's music and concert reviews section.

Outside of print, Sebastian has written and produced a weekly radio show on Trent Radio called Great Canadian Covers and is the co-host of NOISEHOLE on Trent Radio where he also serves on the station's Board of Directors. In November 2023, Sebastian co-produced a podcast series with Peterborough Currents focused on reporting the major developments during the 2024 Peterborough City budget process.

In his free time, Sebastian bemoans the Toronto Blue Jays while cheering for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He is proud of the fact he never believed Ohtani would come to play in Toronto.

Sebastian is currently a reporter at the Peterborough Examiner.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay
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