Louanne Morin returns to Arthur Volume 59’s writing staff, blessing this humble media empire with her experience in the annals of Trent Central Student Association and Peterborough City Council history. Beyond her coverage of these institutions, she hopes to continue to share and discuss art within her writing, from ambiguous musical narratives of religious salvation to early 2000s lesbian romance films.

Morin remains committed to a critical approach to journalism, situating her local coverage within larger structures of power, and using her writing to compel readers to action. While her influences are distinctly Marxist and Feminist, she seeks to present these ideas in a more accessible style, in hopes of broadening the reach of her work.

This author’s past work with Arthur ranges from satirical articles about Trent University’s new messenger pigeon infrastructure to more serious coverage of local protests against the genocide of the Palestinian people. Where one can easily get lost in the litany of news coming from all directions, Morin hopes that her satirical and analytical writings will provide readers with a broader picture of the community they live in.

Outside of the cold, cold room where she barricades herself Grimes-style to churn out articles for her editorial overlords, Morin can often be found in Trent’s Otonabee college dining hall, awaiting the release of a third vegan meal option, or at Sadleir House, periodically starting and giving up on reading Felix Guattari & Gilles Deleuze’s Anti-Oedipus.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

ReFrame Review: Autism Plays Itself
To kick off Arthur's slate of programming for the 2025 ReFrame Film Festival, Louanne Morin reviews the Autism Plays Itself, a short documentary which contrasts testimonials from autistic adults with archival footage of autistic children at London's Maudsley Hospital.
Life and Death on Faryon Bridge
How do we pass by the names of murdered children inscribed on Faryon bridge every day with such ease? Louanne Morin grapples with what it means not to grieve the dead that surround us.
Councilors Debate Monaghan Road Heritage Property, Development Charges, at December 2nd Council Meetings
Council re-litigated their September 23rd decision to approve heritage designation for the property at 1400 Monaghan road at a Monday night General Committee meeting after hearing delegations from property developers about proposed changes to development charges.
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Louanne Morin
There's nothing sorted under 'Puzzles' for
Louanne Morin
2020-09-23 | Sourdough Starter
Confined, like the letters in this puzzle
Edited by
Danny Taro
September 23, 2020