C’est Moi: Katie Pedlar!
From a young age, I have overestimated how much the world needs my opinion and that's a quality shared by many writers. Whether you acknowledge it or not, Peterborough is a special place and it’s filled with stories worth telling. I am happy and humbled to be part of that. Deadlines have a way of turning me to stone. When I am not grappling with deadline paralysis, I am shredding it on my mountain bike at the Harold Town trails, knitting two then purling two and chipping away at my undergraduate degree. If you’ve come to realise that your story is worth telling let me know. Remember: The Otonabee is where I wanna be!

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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The 140 Billion Dollar Personality Cult
Katie Pedlar critiques the ethics and efficiency of high budget environmentalism. How does our fascination with technology convolute the priorities of environmentalism? And how are we to resist the charms of a handsome billionaire genius who claims to know what’s best?
Laurentian's Tensions
Katie Pedlar dives into the dire financial situation at Laurentian University and questions if these circumstances could arise at Trent University. This article touches on administrative redundancies, international tuition and post secondary funding.
ReFrame Review: Call Me Human
Katie Pedlar discusses Kim O'Bomsawin's impactful new documentary, Call Me Human. This film follows Innu poet Joséphine Bacon, though she rejects the title as "poet" does not exist in Innu-aimun. As part of a generation grappling with the effects of centuries of violent oppression, Bacon's work serves to nourish Innu language, resisting colonial suffocation of Innu language and culture.
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Katie Pedlar