Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Osmow's Shawarma on Water Street, PTBO | Image via Andrepoiy on Wikipedia

Osmow’s Shawarma was “Shaw-eet!”

Written by
Angela Slater-Meadows
November 29, 2022
Osmow’s Shawarma was “Shaw-eet!”
Osmow's Shawarma on Water Street, PTBO | Image via Andrepoiy on Wikipedia

Have you tried Osmow’s Shawarma yet? You should! I bet you didn’t know that the 1447 Water Street location (near Trent) is just one of 125 “fast casual” restaurants! In fact, Osmow’s is the largest “truly modern” Mediterranean chain in North America. Over the past twenty years, Osmow’s has become known for their customizable Mediterranean cuisine and signature sauces. Principal and Founder, Sam Osmow, who has a bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business Administration, began his family business by creating “freshly interpreted” traditional Mediterranean recipes made with “quality ingredients”. He truly values his Egyptian Canadian roots as well as giving back to the international community - “For many people around the world, a good meal means HOPE for the future.” That’s why Osmow’s created their HOPE Fund, in partnership with Mary’s Meals, to provide meals to children in developing countries.

Recently, on the evening of Friday November 18th, I had the pleasure of eating-in at Osmow’s Shawarma on Water Street. My customized “Signature Creation” order included the medium-sized Lamb on Veggies ($15.19) with Tzatziki (+0.50), Hummus (+0.50) and a “Little Spice” level. My total meal cost was $18.29. I’ve rated my dining experience as follows:

Food Quality: 0.90/1

My lamb on veggies was delicious overall, and a medium portion size was more than enough for my dinner. The Little Spice level was about as hot as I could personally tolerate and nicely cooled down by the generous tzatziki and hummus dip portions. My only complaint with regards to food quality was that my “grilled” veggies seemed to be slightly on the soggy side.

Restaurant Quality: 0.90/1 

There were lots of tables available in the dining space that were nicely distanced from each other as well as the order area. Lots of free parking was also conveniently available. The bathroom was clean and well-stocked as well as gender-neutral and disability-accessible. With regards to restaurant quality, I found it to be a bit inconvenient that I had to request my dining table to be cleaned and also found the lovely Egyptian artwork placed under the hand-dryer in the bathroom, amidst what seemed to be décor renos, to be somewhat awkward.

Service Quality: 0.90/1 

Despite the steady take-out line, my meal order was prepared exceptionally fast with a wait-time of less than ten minutes. Osmow’s staff were friendly, efficient and seemingly on top of the high dinner order demand. My only concern with regards to service quality was that my request for non-disposable dishes and utensils was not possible due to the disposable containers provided, regardless of take-out or eat-in orders.

Suggestions and Final Score

Perhaps some more “grill” on the veggies would perfect Osmow’s Food Quality score; regular maintenance of table cleanliness and the completion of dining space renos would increase Restaurant Quality; and the option of reusable dishes and utensils for eat-in orders would allow for a more sustainable Service Quality. 

Overall and nonetheless, I rated my dining experience at Osmow’s Shawarma 2.70/3; 90%; Great – or in other words - “Shaw-eet!”

Curious to know what other “flavourful and healthy” Mediterranean food options that Osmow’s Shawarma has to offer? The complete menu is available online at, but here are a few highlights:

  • Salads and appetisers such as hummus and tabouli dip; Caesar and Greek salad; 
  • Signature Sauces such as garlic, tahini, tzatziki and varying levels of spice 
  • Wraps in chicken, beef, lamb shawarma; falafel, or Beyond Meat 
  • Create your own “Oz Box”
  • Desserts such as baklava and brownies
  • Vegetarian, vegan; gluten-, lactose-, egg-free options
  • Daily specials; group catering and “Osmow’s Cravin’ Club” options
  • Delivery, pick-up, and eat-in options
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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