Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Letter To The Editors: Change The Date of Trent's Homecoming

Written by
Jocelyn Hofstede
October 4, 2023
Letter To The Editors: Change The Date of Trent's Homecoming

Dear Mayor Jeff Leal

I am writing to you today, on behalf of the Indigenous community's and the people who support them including myself.

As you are aware this past Saturday September 30th Trent University held its annual Head Of Trent event, as I am sure you are also aware that date also happens to be the National day of Truth and Reconciliation, please keep in mind National.

Our community as a whole finds it rather odd and vulgar that Trent University was able to hold this massive event, may I remind you well over 1000 people, on a day of National mourning of what was lost in the Indigenous community at the hands of governments, church, and education system.

In that you can see how an educational institution is causing a massive faux pas that can be triggering for many within the community, by having this Head of Trent event, on a day of national mourning. It was extremely uncalled for, and the behaviours of these students were disruptive.

Many find it quite disrespectful especially considering this education system Trent University and city of Peterborough, supposedly prides itself on being respectful and aware in helping and inclusive of the Indigenous community's surrounding Peterbrough.

We as a whole are calling upon yourself and the university to come up with a solution to this grievous issue. As I am sure it is a simple mistake that can be easily rectified.

As such we are petitioning this issue for a solution and better outcome for the indigenous community on a day that was specified as a whole to our nation for grievance, not massive unruly disrespectful parties.

We look forward to the rectification, solution and working together as a whole in this issue.


Jocelyn Hofstede

And the community of Peterborough, Curve Lake First Nations, Hiawatha First Nations nations.

The petition can be found here.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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