Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Image from TACSU's 2019 Afrobana event, courtesy of TACSU's Facebook page.

How did TACSU celebrate Black History Month?

Written by
Irene Suvillaga
March 4, 2021
How did TACSU celebrate Black History Month?
Image from TACSU's 2019 Afrobana event, courtesy of TACSU's Facebook page.

February marks the start of Black History Month, an annual celebration dedicated to Black people, their role in history and the achievements that as a community have been accomplished. This monumental heritage month is one of the most widely celebrated. It also marks our continual engagement with history providing the opportunity to learn, understand and reflect more about Black histories, their experiences and identities. Black History Month is a national landmark that commemorates diversity, progress and freedom. 

The Trent African Caribbean Student Union (TACSU) has decided to celebrate Black History Month by delivering several educational events that push towards unveiling myths, constructed narratives and learning more about embracing identities and ancestries. In other words, to establish truths and spark introspection about what it means to be African, what it means to be Caribbean. The group has mobilized a crash course series in this effort, that explores stereotypes surrounding Africans and West Indians. The courses sought to expand on how to address lingering stereotypes and how to break them down. 

“Stereotypes are based on histories, and it's only in digging into these histories, facing them no matter how uncomfortable they may be, that we can salvage the truth.” TACSU stated in an interview. 

TACSU also assembled an art therapy session termed ‘Where’s Everybody At’ a night that sought to dive into new avenues. It was a safe space that explored identities, emotions, and prompted conversations that led to new ways of understanding oneself, our current situation and how to foster a healthy, happy mind. 

As expressed in the same email, although Black History Month means something different to each individual, as a group they believe that Black History Month means “that reflection on our past and using that to make our future brighter is what we always hope for. Black History Month is a month dedicated specifically to that.” 

As the month comes to an end, TACSU’s ode to Black History Month was one inspired in the values of unity, education, and compassion to oneself and the world around us. Through self-awareness, self-compassion and above all, through challenging forced narratives and identities, their tribute to this year’s celebration was done in hopes of reconnecting with the past, acknowledging the present and envisioning the future.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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