Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Cultural Outreach 2014: Quantum of Diversity

Written by
Renzo Costa
March 11, 2014
Cultural Outreach 2014: Quantum of Diversity

The Cultural Outreach show, organized by the Trent International Students’ Association (TISA), is taking place on Saturday, March 15, at Showplace Performance Centre. You’ll be able to witness part of the great cultural diversity that enriches the Trent and Peterborough community.

For those of you who don’t know about Cultural Outreach, it is an annual show organized by TISA.

The show features diverse performances from all around the world.

The main objective of the show is not only to create awareness about the cultural diversity of Trent and the Peterborough community, but also to unite Trent students and community members.

The show takes several months of organization and it is only the successful synergy between many people that assures its ultimate success.

This year’s theme is Quantum of Diversity. Two agents will navigate through mysterious puzzles in order to achieve their mission titled Quantum of Diversity.

The acts range from traditional dances to contemporary performances.

Throughout the show, you’ll be able to experience extraordinary dancing skills and outstanding singing. Acts range from Tibet, Eritrea, Latin America, the Bahamas, the Philippines and more!

TISA’s Director of Publicity Mauricio Interiano spoke with the Arthur, and said, “It is not only a show but an evening where you meet the world through stories, dances, songs, [and] costumes, which are put together in a variety of performances that will take your breath away!”

The show is organized by TISA but it is by no means exclusive. Both domestic and international students have put a lot of effort into making Cultural Outreach happen this year. Every student and community member is welcome to come out and see the show.

The event exemplifies one of TISA’s main goals: to connect domestic students to the international community and vice versa. Internationals will be the only ones performing, but domestic students are highly involved as well.

Fourth-year International Development and Politics major, Airin Aguilera, expressed: “What is interesting about Cultural Outreach is not simply what you see on-stage, but also what happens backstage between performers. There’s a special camaraderie built among different performers while they work towards a unified goal.”

Cultural Outreach is a showcase of cultural diversity in our community. It is a time for celebration. In concordance with Trent’s philosophy, the Cultural Outreach show will exhibit the enormous amount of diversity that our community possesses in a celebratory manner.

However, it is important to note that it does not reduce culture to a spectacle. The show includes acts from different parts of the region and represents different peoples from around the world; nonetheless, it does not claim that the acts represent the whole culture of said region. Many actually explicitly fight against sweeping generalizations and stereotypes.

Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) has partnered up with TISA for the upcoming Cultural Outreach event. TCSA has generously contributed to the financialization of the show, which will assure that the quality of the show presented in previous years is maintained and even furthered.

Tickets will be sold at Bata Library, Wenjack Theatre, the New Canadian Center (NCC), and Whistle Stop Café downtown. The show will take place at the Showplace Performance Centre in downtown Peterborough on March 15.

There will be two functions: one at 2pm and another at 7pm.

Make sure to get your tickets and come out to experience this brilliant showcase.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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