Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Trent Radio's Logo.

Clubs and Groups: Opportunities at Trent Radio

Written by
Andréanna Sullivan
April 19, 2023
Clubs and Groups: Opportunities at Trent Radio
Trent Radio's Logo.

Hey’all, I want you to know that Trent Radio (TR) is a rad organization. We are a diverse  community of creators. 

I cohosted my first show with a great and radical friend who is unapologetic about their views. I  am white, and I used to be anxious to be friends with BIPOC folks for fear of being racist. But  Kav helped me learn that I am going to mess up, I’m going to be called out for my bullshit, and  in this culture, there is always a chance of being cancelled. But sometimes, there are people willing to support us through hard times, making space for our mistakes so we can learn and  become more perceptive people. 

Of course, I still fear I could offend someone, but I no longer let that fear stop me from asking  questions or from placing myself in less comfortable positions that help challenge my prejudice.  Kav and I may have developed our friendship outside of TR but our involvement really did give  us the framework to foster our relationship. It was challenging to make connections during the  pandemic, but our program allowed us to meet new people on a weekly basis. Campus began  to feel more like community, and I am still friends with some people we invited on our show. 

After my first year of programming in 2020, I became involved with Trent Radio as a board  member, where I have had the chance to learn about not-for-profit governance through by-law  review, strategic plan development, and HR committee participation. I am thankful for the  opportunities and support the TR staff, Jill and Rob, provide. I’ll never forget my first episode  live in studio B, when I showed up late and had never used the equipment. Jill was so chill and  walked us through the process while on air. I don’t recommend following suit, but it does go to  show that everyone, no matter how put-together you are, has a place here. 

I encourage you to get involved with Trent Radio, be it by becoming a programmer and creating  your own radio show, by volunteering as a board member, by applying for a job (the pay is  pretty solid :), or simply by listening to our frequency 92.7 FM or webstream at You can also get in touch via email at 


Andréanna Sullivan

R-L: Cambria, Andréanna Sullivan, and Alberto Lopez Alemán outside Trent Radio House on Parkhill and George.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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"Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system."
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