Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Artists Joining Hands to Save The World

Written by
Daisy Komujuni
November 19, 2013
Artists Joining Hands to Save The World
art piece one

The history of our species has been told over generations through art. Through art we confront our vulnerability, we achieve our immortality and most of all we express our humanity.

It therefore seemed fitting that the new clubs on campus, Red Cross Trent and Trent Visual Arts Network (TVAN) would join hands to organize a fundraiser that helps to support the arts and the Peterborough community as well.

On Thursday November 21, they will be hosting the Humanitarian Gallery Show showcasing different kinds of art, expressed through different media, donated by some of the most promising young artist Trent University has to offer.

Art works will be auctioned with a starting auction price of 5-15 dollars. Guerrilla sketch artists and caricature artists will also be on hand to create little masterpieces upon your request for only $2.

If this was not enough of an incentive, free drinks and snacks will also be provided.

Through the years, donor aid has been heavily instrumental in raising funds to promote important initiatives and awareness campaigns. The Peterborough community is one that is still ailing having suffered great economic decline since NAFTA and other factors that have heavily affected the manufacturing industry. This has resulted in a city that was once known as the “electric city”, because of its status as a manufacturing and technological hub, becoming the home of one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

Couple that with a serious drug addiction problem and we have a major social crisis on our hands. Donor aid has never been more important than it is now.

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With rising problems such as these we have a young and frustrated generation. This has led to a rise of incidents of substance abuse as well as physical abuse.

One of the major Red Cross initiatives that money raised will go towards is the RespectEd program. RespectEd is aimed at mostly high school students to educate them about the dangers of bullying and how to recognize and stop bullying. Although this program was originally designed for high school students, it is now being implemented in a workplace setting as well. Hopefully, programs such as this will help curb the rising incidents of violence in the city.

Alongside helping the community, donations from this event will also contribute towards supporting the budding art community with in Peterborough.

A variety of art pieces will be on display from the traditional oil and acrylic paints to contemporary photography with everything in between. There will even be an art piece made completely from yarn!

Although these art pieces may vary, they are all guaranteed to captivate and inspire all who lay eyes upon them. Majority of the art work will be provided by members of the TVAN, a young group started by Lobe Kingue that is dedicated to providing a platform for new artists through with they can learn and evolve.

With your support, this club will be able to grow into a powerful and vibrant support system through which artists freely express themselves and share ideas with like minds.

So on the 21st of November bring your friends, family and your hearts down to Sadleir House at 7pm and donate to causes that truly affect you. Enjoy art work that stimulates feelings that transcend all your problems and all your fears.

At the very least come down and enjoy some good food and lovely company. You might even score some lovely art work for your dorm room out of the whole experience.

You can follow Red Cross Trent University and Trent Visual Arts Network on Facebook or contact them at or for more information. Come and help save the world, one community at a time.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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